voice program

Your Voice is Your Instrument….Let’s Play It

People often think singing can't be learned—you're either born with a great voice or not. Is that true?

If you've been wanting to sing but think you can't carry a tune, or if you think you're a hopeless case, let us prove to you that ANYBODY CAN LEARN TO SING!

Students who work with us show significant improvements in their voice and most students can sing 5+ songs very well within a couple of months.

Maybe you've made some progress on your own but feel stuck. Singing feels too hard; you strain your voice, push too much, and hit a wall you can't break through.

I wish I knew what I know now two decades ago, but I've discovered a way to help students develop their voices, and LEARN TO SING WITH CONFIDENCE IN A FUN WAY.

Introducing the ‘Vocals on Stage’ Level Program

This once-a-week voice program is designed specifically for children ages 6–16.

Your child will be a good fit if:

  • They want to explore their voice and develop vocal skills and techniques

  • They have a passion for singing and enjoy performing.

  • They are comfortable with receiving feedback and working on their craft

  • They are motivated to practice and sing

  • They are excited about the opportunity to perform in showcases and other events

Program Features

  • Weekly One-on-One Lessons: Personalized coaching with your dedicated instructor.

  • Lesson Recording: Weekly recordings to track progress.

  • Level Book: Weekly highlights and notes.

  • Biannual Showcases: Opportunities to perform and demonstrate their progress.

Benefits of the ‘Vocals on Stage’ Level Program


  • Singing is supposed to be FUN! Experience the joy of singing with our engaging lessons. Our program makes learning fun, ensuring you enjoy every step of your musical journey while mastering new techniques and skills.


  • Our students transform their stage presence when they train with us and gain the skills and assurance needed to perform confidently. Our program helps you not only master your vocal abilities but also boost your self-confidence for any performance.


  • Students build their stage presence with our expert guidance. They learn to captivate their audience with refined performance techniques, ensuring every show is unforgettable.


  • Our students learn to hit high notes with ease and no strain. They are provided with the tools to achieve powerful vocals even under pressure. Students develop a reliable technique to consistently nail their auditions & performances.

So What Do I Need to Do?

It's easy to get started

  1. Send us a message OR book intro lesson below*

  2. After the intro lesson, schedule your first month of lessons - check monthly tuition

  3. See and hear amazing results!​

*Intro lessons are only for new clients or if you haven’t been with us for more than 6 months.

Our monthly tuition is auto-billed on a monthly basis, and students can drop any time with a 30-day notice, but we're confident you/your child will love our lessons!


Organ of the Soul.